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Embodied Relational Individual, Couples & Sex Therapy 

Individual & Couples Therapy

Given the new reality of our current global pandemic, all my sessions are now on Zoom. I’m available for therapy sessions on Zoom, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 1 and 5 pm PT. Email me for an appointment at

Weekly Couples Group

Thursdays, 4-6 pm PT/6-8pm ET
The maximum number of couples for the group is 4 couples. Please email me for more information including fee for the group. Couples must join the group and pay for 4 weeks in advance. Any couple who chooses to leave the group after the first session will be reimbursed for their remaining payment. Contact me by email at for more information about the group meetings, rates, and to obtain a link for the first meeting. Sessions will begin once we have 4 couples who have signed on. All couples are welcome. 

Embodied Relational Sex Therapy Training (ERST) 

I’ve designed a virtual format for the transformational ERST training. The current Zoom-based program is a 2-day (Friday and Saturday) weekend for 6 hours each day for a total of 12 hours and 12 CE credits for professionals. This ERST Virtual training focuses on emotional, relational, and sexual health and on recent neurobiological research that advances our knowledge of the effectiveness of Right Brain Psychotherapy. Contact me for information about upcoming ERST trainings.

True love is not just about being true to another. The most fulfilling love is when you are also true to yourself. You want to be loved for who you truly are and not for who you can pretend to be.


Being romantic is a great way for partners to play. When one person is attentive to the other with a lighthearted and lively spirit and the other reciprocates in some way—laughs at the joke or smiles back and stays engaged—they've connected with their inner playmates.

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